Donna, our founder/director, has been busy writing a full year program to go with the Sam’s House – Little Friendly Space. The visit in October included a four day training for the workers, including early development and child protection training.
The programme is therapeutic in essence, to help the children explore and process their trauma in a safe way. The programme includes drama, movement, games, stories, play, and nursery rhymes and music written specifically for this programme.
The Syrian women seen here successfully completed the training, along with the Lebanese project manager, Rachel (on the far left). She is excited about the Sam’s House – Little Friendly Space and its capacity to grow and duplicate in other areas to help more children. The needs are overwhelming, but with your continued support we can do more to help these little ones.
Though we have met the first year’s costs to prepare and rent the ground, construct the tent, and supply it with lots of toys, we would really like for this project to be sustainable for the next three years. As you can see, the camp is beside a road and many of the parents of young children worry about their safety. Parents can’t let the children go out and play. This is why a safe place for them to play and have fun is so vital.