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For the love of a child

Trip to Lebanon – April 2016

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

The aim of this trip was to network in Lebanon, identify the greatest needs of the refugee children and to see how FLOC might be able to help. Although it was a reconnaissance trip myself and the two wonderful volunteers Eileen Pickering (primary school teacher) and Lois Pickering her daughter (the photographer) were able to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in.

We visited the Kings Kids Educational Centre for the first 4 days of our trip, which is connected to YWAM Lebanon. The centre is run by a wonderful man, Jihad, who hosted us and along with the inspirational teachers and staff made us feel extremely welcome. The Kings Kids School helps over 100 refugee children who have had to flee the atrocities of the war in Syria; these displaced children have very uncertain futures and have experienced unbelievable horrors. Kings Kids is responding to their need by offering these children an education. The school is run on very meagre resources (including very limited staff) but with a lot of Love.

Whilst there we were able to help out with; teaching, telling stories, and having lots of fun with the kids through drama and games. The children especially loved the parachute and face-painting; which FLOC donated in addition to money for books and resources. Though limited in what I could offer therapeutically; I was also able to assess some of the emotional needs of the children and offer advice and guidance to the teachers based on my therapeutic training. A few highlights for me were; being able to share ‘The Listening Stone’ story with our brand new puppet (made by “How it Felt Puppet Company”) and also the story behind why I set up the charity.

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